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Organic vs. Non-GMO Soy Sauce: Is There a Difference?

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Posted on: December 2, 2021

In a world of artificial flavorings and genetically modified products, it’s more important than ever to understand what’s in the foods we eat. Many people recognize the health value of non-GMO vs. organic foods, but not everyone can distinguish the differences between them. Though these certifications often go hand in hand, they don’t mean the same thing.

When it comes to purchasing soy sauce and other food products, it’s best to aim for organic and non-GMO soy sauce varieties. When you choose your foods with care and seek out nutritious options, you ensure that you can enjoy all of your favorite meals without compromising your health.

Table of Contents

What Do Non-GMO and Organic Labels Really Mean?
What Is the Non-GMO Project?
Purchase Non-GMO Soy Sauce at SAN-J Today

What Do Non-GMO and Organic Labels Really Mean?

When inspecting your food labels, you’ve probably noticed that some products include both non-GMO and organic certifications, whereas others only feature one of the two. But what do these designations mean? 


The term “GMO” stands for “genetically modified organisms,” which are plants, animals or other organisms that have been scientifically modified to comprise genes that do not occur in nature. Products labeled “non-GMO” do not contain genetically altered materials that change the chemical makeup of food, meaning they are Non-GMO Project verified.

Because non-GMO products don’t rely on genetic modification, they minimize the risks that come with it. Non-GMO Project verified foods don’t contain harmful bacterias, toxins or synthetic herbicides.


Organic products are grown and processed according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s federal guidelines regarding prohibited substances. Goods that earn the certified organic label are free of harmful pesticides, chemicals, herbicides, antibiotics, drug residue and other additives.

Here’s where the confusion often comes in regarding non-GMO vs. organic foods — products that are certified organic are also considered non-GMO due to their overlapping standards. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that all non-GMO foods are organic since they may contain various pesticides, antibiotics and hormones that are not permissible for organic labels. 

The bottom line is that foods can be organic, non-GMO or both, depending on the standards they adhere to, but each label is fundamentally different.

What Is the Non-GMO Project?

The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization that aims to maintain and protect non-GMO food items. This group is famous for creating the Non-GMO Project Standard, a set of stipulations derived from a team of industry experts used to determine whether products are considered non-GMO. 

The Non-GMO Project verifies products through on-site inspections and annual audits conducted by independent technical administrators and inspectors involved in the Non-GMO Project Product Verification Program. When a product is confirmed non-GMO, it is marked with the Non-GMO Project Verified butterfly label to indicate that it adheres to the Non-GMO Project Standard.

Purchase Non-GMO Soy Sauce at SAN-J Today

If you’re looking for a soy sauce that’s organic and non-GMO, choose SAN-J. Our soy sauce hits the mark on numerous benefits and certifications, such as gluten-free, vegan, kosher and plant-based. At SAN-J, our non-GMO soy sauce is made with no artificial preservatives, colors, flavors or additives, so you can enjoy a meal that’s flavorful and health-conscious.

Use our product locator to find SAN-J soy sauce in a store near you!

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